Promote Yourself

Promote Yourself

We follow Dan Schawbel because of the great work he does on one of our favorite topics…Personal Branding. In one of his recent newsletters he offered a few tips to promote yourself that resonated with our own philosophies and we wanted to share.

Be Authentic

Be Authentic

“Be Authentic. Always be the real you because everyone else is taken and replicas don’t sell for as much. When you’re honest with people, they trust you more and will want to work with you.”

It’s All about The Words You Use

It’s All about The Words You Use

Salespeople need to fully realize and understand that in addition to acquiring all of the skills necessary to be successful you also have to use the right words to get your story across. We talk a lot in our training sessions about the need to be genuine in your words...

When Is the Time Right?

After returning from a very successful sales training in Panama City, FL- it got us wondering…how much emphasis and importance does your organization put on sales? Besides “the talk”. Meaning- when things are great- we like to high five and cheer...