Salespeople can easily lose the sale when their goals are self-focused goals, rather than client-focused ones.

The internet has afforded prospects with the gift of choice and research. As a result, the impression you make as a sales person is more important than ever. While they don’t need salespeople to be sold on what they want to buy, they often do want to work directly with a salesperson who can assist them, educate them, and provide them with excellent service.

Salespeople can easily lose the sale when their goals are self-focused goals, rather than client-focused ones.

We have to work with our clients to ensure they get the service they deserve – and when they trust you, they will work with you in a positive, productive way.

Top sales people respond to this need and they help, support, guide, and share knowledge with their prospects. They ask clients to buy once they’ve demonstrated clearly how their product or service will help them achieve the desired results or objectives. A sure fire way to get the opposite results is go into a sales call with your own agenda.

It is imperative that you remember it is all about the client. While you balance the fact that you are a business and you are in business to make a profit you can’t make the profit without the client. In the buying process your main objective is to build TRUST. Once TRUST is established the buying process for all parties quickly becomes two-way as opposed to one. You begin to uncover the needs that your client is trying to solve and with a fuller understanding you are able to provide a solution that speaks directly to that need and the “buy” becomes easier for the client to commit to. This process shows the client you are more concerned about their agenda than your own